Daddy's 69th Birthday


Daddy's 69th Birthday Commemoration

In Commemoration of Daddy's 69th Birthday, we share this You Tube Video taken

during the 2004 National Elections in the Philippines.

Daddy was always interested in national Philippine politics and was very knowledgeable about it.

In the local levels, his opinions, ideas and support were always respected and sought out of by his townsfolk.

Had he not been granted his American citizenship, he would have won in the baranggay level hands-down. Had he ran in the municipal level, he would have given all the candidates a run for their money. 

Anyway, click on the above photo to see a candid video where Mommy and I give him a carte blanche as he decides who we vote for.

Many thanks to Ti Ester and Ti Nora for visiting our Daddy and Lla Enciang (Jan 3) on their birthday.

 - Junie,  January 5, 2008





Click on the birthday icon to proceed...

Updated : January 5, 2008